Saturday, October 4, 2008

Piano Black PSP and Blu-Ray PSP Revisited

It was one of the most talked about technology upgrades at the Computer Entertainment Expo this year, and more people are asking questions about how this will affect next years version of the PSP.

Wait, what?
Yea, that only makes perfect sense right? Or does it?

I knew that would grab your attention, but this post isn't about that interesting little tidbit only.
It's also about the new "Piano Black" model you'll see in stores soon enough.
New analog stick, brighter display, less reflectivity, and a sleeker color scheme are the blueprints to success that Sony hopes will pull more attention from those "cutesy" Nintendo DS' you see all over the place.

Can it prevail?
I say they just release a PSP version of GTA IV, and they'll be set.
Just kidding.

This is exactly what happened, so just imagine this situation if you will.
"Using a PlayStation 3 and a PSP, Sony showed how a Blu-ray movie disc could be inserted into the former and copied to a memory stick for the latter."
If that doesn't have you panting as a PSP owner, then nothing will, but how "Hi Res (Definition?) would it actually be?
The world may never know, but it's more likely that they will by the end of the PSP lifeline.

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